The Women in the Waterways: Practice-based Research and Ecofeminism in the Riparian Artwork of Basia Irland and Betsy Damon

Annabelle Keyes 28/01/2024

The interests of this dissertation have been influenced by evolving notions of the ecological in contemporary art; particularly, the ways artists address issues of exploitation, disruption and degradation of ecology. Guided by a surge of ecofeminist art and exhibitions, artists are – now more than ever – equipped with a multiplicity of critical debates through which to explore environmental issues...

Hybrid-Spiritual Art: Investigating the Resurgence of Spirituality in Contemporary Art

Annabelle Keyes 08/06/2022

A resurgence of the spiritual can be seen in current contemporary art. To create an artwork of a spiritual nature in the modern-day innately confronts the interlaced history of religion and art, however this essay proposes that much of the spiritual art of today arises from a vastly different perspective than the historical religious art which has dominated the art world for centuries. Whereas historically spiritual art can be described as principally inculcative, documentative and decorative, contemporary spiritual art of today is liberal, expressive and cerebral...